Last Fight
W/L | Fighter | STR | TD | SUB | Closing Odds | Event/Date | Method | Round | Time |
Loss | Benito Lopez | 17 49 | 0 1 | 0 3 | +295 -425 | FN Nov 5, 2022 | Submission | 1 | 4:27 |
Career Statistics
SLpM Strikes Landed per Min. SLpM: 4.89 |
Str. Acc. Significant Striking Accuracy Str.Acc: 45% |
SApM Significant Strikes Absorbed per Minute SApM: 5.04 |
Str. Def. Significant Strike Defence (the % of opponents strikes that did not land) Str.Def: 59% |
TD Avg. Average Takedowns Landed per 15 minutes TD Avg: 0 |
TD Acc. Takedown Accuracy TD Acc: -- |
TD Def. Takedown Defense (the % of opponents TD attempts that did not land) TD Def: 78% |
Sub. Avg. Average Submissions Attempted Sub.Avg: 0.45 |
Fight Log
W/L | Fighter | STR | TD | SUB | Closing Odds | Event/Date | Method | Round | Time |
loss | Benito Lopez | 17 49 | 0 1 | 0 3 | +295 -425 | FN Nov 5, 2022 | Submission | 1 | 4:27 |
win | Benito Lopez | -115 -115 | FN Jul 13, 2019 | DEC | 3 | 5:00 | |||
loss | Benito Lopez Manny Bermudez | 11 14 | 0 1 | 0 1 | +155 -200 | FN Feb 17, 2019 | Submission | 1 | 3:09 |
win | Benito Lopez Albert Morales | 79 109 | 0 0 | 1 0 | -130 +110 | FN Dec 9, 2017 | DEC | 3 | 5:00 |