Last Fight
W/L | Fighter | STR | TD | SUB | Closing Odds | Event/Date | Method | Round | Time |
Loss | Rhys McKee | 12 30 | 0 0 | 0 0 | +110 -138 | FN Mar 30, 2024 | DEC | 3 | 1:27 |
Career Statistics
SLpM Strikes Landed per Min. SLpM: -- |
Str. Acc. Significant Striking Accuracy Str.Acc: -- |
SApM Significant Strikes Absorbed per Minute SApM: -- |
Str. Def. Significant Strike Defence (the % of opponents strikes that did not land) Str.Def: -- |
TD Avg. Average Takedowns Landed per 15 minutes TD Avg: -- |
TD Acc. Takedown Accuracy TD Acc: -- |
TD Def. Takedown Defense (the % of opponents TD attempts that did not land) TD Def: -- |
Sub. Avg. Average Submissions Attempted Sub.Avg: -- |
Fight Log
W/L | Fighter | STR | TD | SUB | Closing Odds | Event/Date | Method | Round | Time |
loss | Rhys McKee | 12 30 | 0 0 | 0 0 | +110 -138 | FN Mar 30, 2024 | DEC | 3 | 1:27 |
loss | Rhys McKee | 43 24 | 0 2 | 0 0 | +120 -145 | FN Sep 2, 2023 | DEC | 3 | 1:27 |
loss | Rhys McKee | 133 208 | 0 3 | 0 0 | +160 -200 | FN Nov 14, 2020 | DEC | 3 | 1:27 |
loss | Rhys McKee | 0 68 | 0 1 | 0 1 | FN Jul 25, 2020 | KO/TKO | 1 | 2:03 |