Josie Costigan

As a young girl, I used to sit in front of the TV screen with a notepad and pen trying to memorize the names and numbers of hockey players hoping to impress my dad. Fifteen years later, my passion for sports has grown up with me – the memorization just comes much easier. Depending on who you ask, I’m a majestic (or terrible) combination of a Habs, Dallas Cowboys, Notre Dame and Alouettes fan. Don’t ask me how it’s going, the Canadiens tattoo on my ankle is permanent. Non, je ne parle pas francais (thanks, Google Translate). Being from Toronto, where the CFL team is hilariously the most successful in the city, I’m a sucker for an underdog story. An undrafted player defies the odds to play in the NHL? I’m probably considering buying his jersey. A rookie quarterback unexpectedly stepping up to make history? Yup, I’m hammering those props. That explains why Rudy and Remember The Titans hits a soft spot. When I’m not watching football, I’m obviously watching hockey instead and travelling Europe supporting my boyfriend when he steps on the ice. My journalism degree and I were the first in my family to graduate from university and the marathon of chasing my sports media dreams has kept me on the move for years, I’m constantly changing places and meeting new faces. But at the end of the day, I haven’t budged from being a sports-loving gal trying to do what I’ve always wanted to do – impress my dad.