The iron throne from 'Game of Thrones.' Keep an eye on the best betting props available in the 'Game of Thrones' Ultimate Props Page.

Game of Thrones Ultimate Props Page

Excitement for the Game of Thrones season 8 is at a fever pitch and with that we have seen the release of a plethora of betting props for one of the most popular TV shows in the history of the medium (speaking of mediums, there are plenty of Bran props, too).

More and more we are seeing an interest in entertainment betting, as witnessed by events like the Oscars, WrestleMania, Survivor and The Bachelor. It stands to reason, then, that a worldwide phenomenon like Game of Thrones will spawn plenty of props. 

In addition to our Who Will Rule and Who Will Die Next pages, Sportsbook has released individual situational and character props. Let’s get right to them:

Will Tyrion survive the final season?
  • Yes -350
  • No +225
Who will perish first?
  • Jon Snow -300
  • Bran Stark +200
Who will perish first?
  • Arya Stark -230
  • Sansa Stark +160
Which Stark Will Die First?
  • Arya -175
  • Sansa +135
  • Bran +600
First Character to Perish in the Final Episode
  • Daenerys Targaryen -400
  • Grey Worm +250
  • Tyrion Lannister +500
  • Arya Stark +600
  • Drogon +800
  • Brienne +1000
  • Davos +1000
  • Jon Snow +1400
  • Sansa Stark +1400
  • Gendry +2000
  • Bran Stark +2500
  • Samwell Tarly +2500
Will there be nudity in the final episode?
  • Yes +250
  • No -400
Will Jon Snow Kill Daenerys Targaryen?
  • Yes -500
  • No +300
Will Petyr Baelish be Confirmed as Alive in Season 8?
  • Yes +600
  • No -1200
Will Daenerys Survive Episode 6? 
  • Yes +300
  • No -500
How many Starks will perish in the final episode? 
  • OVER 1.5  +300
  • UNDER 1.5  -500
Will Jon Snow Survive Episode 6?
  • Yes -550
  • No +325
Last Character to speak in the final episode? 
  • Samwell Tarly +100
  • Jon Snow +200
  • Tyrion Lannister +200
  • Bran Stark +500
  • Sansa Stark +1000
  • Daenerys Targaryen +1200
  • Arya Stark +1400
  • Bronn +2000
Method in WHich Arya Stark Perishes?
  • Survives -500
  • Sword or Dagger +200
  • Fire +600
  • Hanging +800
  • Ax +800
  • Physical Force +1200
  • Takes Own Life +1600
  • Arrow +1600
  • Poison +2000
Method in WHich Daenerys Targaryen Perishes?
  • Sword or Dagger -600
  • Survives +400
  • Ax +800
  • Hanging +1000
  • Takes Own Life +1000
  • Arrow +1600
  • Physical Force +2000
  • Poison +2200
  • Fire +6600
Method in WHich Jon SNow Perishes?
  • Survives -500
  • Sword or Dagger +300
  • Fire +500
  • Ax +600
  • Hanging +600
  • Physical Force +1600
  • Takes Own Life +2000
  • Arrow +2000
  • Poison +2500
Method in WHich Tyrion Lannister Perishes?
  • Survives -400
  • Fire +300
  • Sword or Dagger +400
  • Ax +600
  • Hanging +1000
  • Physical Force +1200
  • Takes Own Life +1600
  • Arrow +2000
  • Poison +2000
Named Characters Drogon Will Kill in Final Episode
  • OVER 1.5  +200
  • UNDER 1.5  -300
Will Arya Stark Perish in the final episode?
  • Yes +275
  • No  -500
Will Brienne be seen in the final episode?
  • Yes -450
  • No +275
Will Davos Perish in the final episode?
  • Yes +300
  • No -500
Will Drogon Perish in the final episode?
  • Yes +200
  • No -300
Will Ghost be seen in the final episode?
  • Yes -120
  • No -120
Will Gendry be seen in the final episode?
  • Yes -300
  • No +200
Will Grey Worm Perish in Final Episode?
  • Yes +170
  • No -250
Will Sansa Stark Perish in Final Episode?
  • Yes +300
  • No -500
Will the Four Remaining Starks be Shown Together?
  • Yes -160
  • No +120
Will Tormund Giantsbane be Seen in Final Episode?
  • Yes -200
  • No +150

Odds as of May 14 at Sportsbook and Sportsbook

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