Junior Valentine - Betting Log Stats

Overall Stats
  • Games: 18
  • Home Team Record: 11-7
  • Home Money: $86
  • Strikeouts Per Game: 18.39
  • Walks Per Game: 5.78
  • Total Runs Per Game: 8.17
  • One Run Games: 8
Favorite Stats (Moneyline)
  • Home Favorite Record: 11-4
  • Home Small Favorite (-100 TO -140): 7-3
  • Home Medium Favorite (-145 TO -185): 2-0
  • Home Strong Favorite (-190 TO -230): 2-1
  • Home Big Favorite (-235+): 0-0
Underdog Stats (Moneyline)
  • Home Underdog Record: 0-3
  • Home Small Underdog (+100 TO +140): 0-3
  • Home Medium Underdog (+145 TO +185): 0-0
  • Home Strong Underdog (+190 TO +230): 0-0
  • Home Big Underdog (235+): 0-0
Total Stats (Ov/Un)
  • Over/Under Record: 7-9-2
  • Small Total Ov/Un (8 or less): 3-4-1
  • Medium Total Ov/Un (8½ - 10): 4-5-1
  • Strong Total Ov/Un (10½ - 12): 0-0
  • Big Total Ov/Un (12½+): 0-0
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